“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
How Do I Give to New Creation?
Mobile giving allows you to give a specific dollar amount by credit or debit card, or by automatic deduction from a checking or savings account using your mobile phone, tablet or computer. You can set up online giving either as a one-time donation or a recurring gift. Online giving is not only quick and easy, it's safe and secure. This option helps our congregation remain faithful in giving even when people are out of town or unable to attend a Sunday service.
Text-to-Give lets donors give via text message. To get started, text any dollar amount to 84321 to give. A quick, self-guided setup process will tie your mobile phone to our church, your donor account, and a payment source. After that, donating is as easy as sending a text.
An Offering is taken during each Sunday worship service. Cash and checks are accepted. Please make checks payable to: "New Creation PCA."
If you prefer to mail your tithes and offerings, send a check payable to "New Creation PCA" to
New Creation Church
5 West Pearce Boulevard
Wentzville, MO 63385